
Happy Mother’s Day to the Parents Who Have Abortions

Most People Who Have Abortions Are Already Parents

Did you know that the majority of people who have abortions have already given birth to at least one child, meaning most people who have abortions are already parents (1)?

To all the current and future mothers and parents who have abortions: we see you and we love you ​— Happy Mother’s Day from your friends at carafem! We know that every person and every mother who has had an abortion made the best decision for their life, their future, and for their family.

carafem celebrates and honors the mothers and parents who provide love, support, guidance, and care for their children. Pregnancy, birth, and parenthood are sacred and serious commitments that people should be able to choose for themselves, without interference from anti-abortion politicians or extremists. It is a beautiful and brave adventure to become a mother and a parent, and it should be your choice to do so!

This Mother’s Day, carafem honors anyone who decides to have an abortion because they know it’s not the right time to be a parent, because they want to be able to support the children they already have as best as possible, and those who wanted to continue their pregnancies but couldn’t, for whatever reason. Like our friend and pro-abortion mama, Kristin shares in this beautiful tribute to her family and her decision to have an abortion. Thank you, to Kristin for sharing your moving and heartfelt story, and allowing us to share it with our audience!

All People Deserve Access to Comprehensive and Compassionate Abortion

Being able to choose if, how, and when you have children is a core tenet of reproductive justice, and all people deserve access to comprehensive and compassionate abortion care as a part of that. Reproductive justice is defined by SisterSong as the “human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy, have children, not have children, and parent the children we have in safe and sustainable communities (2).”

carafem firmly believes families should be able to raise their children in a supportive and loving world, free from oppression and discrimination. Mothers and families deserve to live, love, and thrive without the devastating impacts of white supremacy, climate crisis, economic exploitation, ableism, and other forms of injustice and oppression. We envision a future of freedom and liberation for all families, and we’re celebrating this Mother’s Day with that goal in mind.

Supporting Mothers Means Supporting Abortion Access

Everyone deserves the freedom and ability to choose their own reproductive future and start a family exactly when they want to. Supporting mothers means supporting abortion access and the right to decide how to become a parent. If you want to help Mothers and parents who are making the best reproductive decisions for themselves and their families, you can donate to carafem here.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing mothers and parents out there, including those who have had abortions. You are all loved and appreciated, and we thank you for everything you do.

P.S. Need abortion, birth control, or STI testing and treatment, or know a mama who does? Schedule an appointment with carafem here.