Birth Control

Hump Day is BACK!


Back by popular demand, we are resuming our “Hump Day” deal on the morning-after pill…for December only! For those unfamiliar with our “Hump Day” special, carafem is offering emergency contraception for $10 every Wednesday when you come into a health center near you. Compared to $50-$60 a pop at most pharmacies, this is a great deal. Think of it as our way of helping you be prepared in 2017.

Here are the deets.

WHO: Anyone who had sex and is afraid his or her primary birth control method might have failed. The window of efficacy for emergency contraception is 72 hours!

WHAT: Emergency Contraception (Morning-After Pill.)

WHERE: carafem health centers!

WHEN: Every Wednesday in December.

WHY: Because EC is most effective the sooner you take it. Because at carafem there’s no exam required and we’re offering it for only $10 for your first pack! (Additional EC pills costs $20 each. Still $30 cheaper than your local pharmacy.)

Emergency contraception isn’t something many of us think about as preventive, but the reality is…sex happens! And so do accidents. A condom breaks. A birth control pill is forgotten. Or your birth control method simply didn’t work out as planned. These are normal occurrences so don’t beat yourself up; just know you can cover your butt for 10 bucks! Wouldn’t you rather have it on hand when you need it? Or maybe practice get one, give one? Imagine being able to help out one of your friends when they need the morning-after pill. Remember, sharing is caring after all!

So come on in or give us a call at 855-SAY-CARA to learn more.